Target, Acquired

29 11 2011

Identifying and understanding your target market is one of the most important things to do in marketing. Once you have described your customers’ and potential customers’ characteristics such as demo, geo and life stages you can focus your social marketing efforts on those people most likely to buy your product and services.

There is a saying, fish where the fish are. If your a band whose fans are mainly on Myspace, it wouldnt make since to gain more popularity on Linkedin or target people there.  Find out where your customer’s are and market to those areas.  Guerilla marketing tactics are perfect for this approach because social media focuses on inexpensive ways to reach niche markets with specific messages. Target your resources one niche at a time. After success, move on to the next one. This will help in understanding your strengths and how analyzing your weaknesses.

Market Segmentation

Using market segmentation, your can narrow multiple niches by where they go online or where they spend their money. Typical segments are

  • Geo-graphics
  • Demographics
  • Lifestyle
  • Life stages

Remember the message needs to be specific enough to appease the wants and needs of subgroups you are going after.

Geo-graphics-Marketing by location whether country, region, state, city, zip code or neighborhood. Foursquare and GoWalla would be perfect for this as they are location-based social media outlets. Brick and mortar stores can target a specific area to get customers on twitter, facebook, and google+ by searching for them within a certain radius.

Demographics- Gender, age, social class, marital status, education, occupation, income, etc. Knowing these categories of your target market will help define a plan to attract them and discover their interest. For instance, lately Ive seen ads for Indochino, a custom suit company, pop up on sites such as Gilt, Linkedin, CNN, AskMen, and Menshealth. Indochino is most likely for professional men with white collar jobs who value fashion and custom clothes. These sites are perfect for them. Myspace would probably not be the best site to advertise on. Be sure to look for a match between your target audience and the social media service your thinking about using.

Lifestyle-Shared activities, interest, opinion and perspectives can shape a target market. Linkedin itself is a social media tool but also a segmented market as it is a network for professionals. Lifetsyle segmentation helps you craft your message in addition to finding where to promote your company.

Lifestages-Looks at what people in certain demographics are doing with their lives. For instance, social media use varies by the stage of life the person is in. Teenagers and college students are twice as likely to use the internet then retirees. Single people with no kids tend to purchase more fashionable items and spend on recreation and vacation versus someone married with small children who spend on kid’s items, activities and education. Be sure to find out and know what products your targeted lifestage purchases and their use of the internet.

Tips to help in targeting and acquiring your market

  • Check competitor’s sites for inbound links from other sites and their outbound links and see how they communicate with their customers.
  • Do a small test to see the results of integrating social media into your marketing plan.
  • Understand why people use social media and match the patterns to your goals.
Hasta La Bye Bye,

Image: renjith krishnan /

Why your company NEEDS to be involved in Social Media

14 11 2011

Social Media Marketing has a bevy of benefits. Everyone is connected to the Internet and somehow involved in Social Media. As of July 2011, Facebook had over 800 million active users. Eight hundred million. According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account (1). Can you imagine the growth for your company? Whether you have a niche product or mass produced consumer good, Social Media is a crucial tool that needs to be integrated into your overall marketing plan. Lets take a closer look at the benefits of this astonishing potential game changing tool. Extended target market reach

Like I mentioned above, Social Media is huge. Facebook gets even more traffic than Google! Twitter has over 200 million users that produce over a billion search queries. How great would it be to have you or your business show up at the top of those search lists? The outreach online, especially through Social Media is almost limitless and you can use these resources to cast a wide net to bring more visitors to your Web site.

Building relationships
Social media marketing isnt a ponzi scheme. You cant expect to join a couple sites and then make it rain with profits. It takes time and serious investment to be able to stay on top of market trends, build relationships, and effectively deliver your intended message to the intended audience. Hence the word social in the term. You have to be engaged with your consumers and followers. Your social media precence should show you:

  • Provide value and resources
  • Dont over self-promote
  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Sell softly-which brings me to my next benefit

Fortuity selling
Because social media is designed for long-term commitment, a company may not expect selling opportunities to arise. Some do exist, so your not just marketing and creating a brand for yourself when social media’n up. Here are a few opportunities to take advantage of in social media marketing:

  • Sell CDs and tickets-Artist, musicians, athletics, and all can use these for entertainment selling.
  • Linking back to your store- You can post a new shipment of merchandise on a social media site with a link to your Web site where they can purchase the product
  • Special offers- Offering promotional codes or special offers to followers in your network sways them to visit your site and purchase products
  • Link to 3rd party sites on various services- Some social media sits allow for widgets (small app placed on your page to enhance visitor experiences) that can show off product and link to Paypal or other places for direct purchase

This benefit is probably the most important because without it, the other benefits will produce minimal results. Branding showcases presence, visibility, and connects a product to a company. Social media is an excellent way to build your brand. For more branding techniques THIS GUY  got it locked down like a pro bowl cornerback.

I got to banana split,

Randall Jefferson

(1) Wells, Roy (August 8, 2010). “41.6% of the U.S. Population has a Facebook account”. Social Media Today. Retrieved January 6, 2011.

Image: jscreationzs /

Social Media Marketing. What the what?

7 11 2011
Most of us have heard this phrase before, “social media marketing”. WTH does it mean? Um, poking people with deals on Facebook? Sounds about right, right? Not quite.  Social media marketing generally means using social media services for relationship selling.  Its a new technique of marketing, a different avenue or strategy to reach out to your audience.

There are different types of social media channels.

  • Blogs-They let you update and change content instantly. Bloggers normally post about personal experiences or expertise. For instance, this blog explores MY personal experiences AND expertise in marketing and being majestic. I use WordPress to spread my Randallessence (its a word because I said it is)
  • Social Networking Sites- We have all come accustomed to these. These are the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn places of the world. There are also other networks based on industry, demographics or activities. Im sure you all have an account on one or all of these. Im on all 3. Find my links over here——>
  • Social Media Sharing Sites- These allow for posting and commenting on audio, video and pictures. Familiar sites are Youtube, Ustream, Flick, and Podcast Alley
  • Social Bookmarking- These are public bookmarks so people can see what others recommend for your viewing pleasure. My ex-girlfriend spent more time fondling StumbleUpon and Delicious then me sometimes.
  • Social News- People recommend articles from news sites based on lists that are developed. Digg and reddit come to mind that do this exceptionally.
  • Social Geolocation and meeting sites- Bringing people together is what they do. Gowalla, Loopt and Meetup offer people to bring the cyberspace love to real life. Platonic and non.

Web 2.0 enables technologies and provides tools that allows people to share information, develop social and business connections, and team up on projects online has given social media a means of implementing integrated marketing communications.


Randall Jefferson

Image: digitalart /