Social Media Policy

7 03 2012

Now that we’ve determined that your company needs to be involved in social media, created a plan and made an outline, its now time to create a social media marketing policy. Whether the social media team is just you or a group of people you should write up a few guidelines to follow that can always be expanded later on.

A social media policy is good because it addresses both what employees are allowed to do on behalf of the company and what is forbidden. Things like using personal accounts at work and who can respond to customer inquiries and product information can be addressed.  Make sure the policy is short and easy to read and understand. It should address risk management, respect for audience, individual privacy protection, and intellectual property protection.

Hear are a few things to consider in your policy:

  • Your purpose of social media
  • Intended auidience
  • Responsibilities of your writing
  • Practice good judgemet
  • Respect copyrights and trademarks
  • Install value
  • Protect confidential information

