I love it when a plan comes together

21 11 2011

Ah, the infamous “A-Team” quote. Delivered by Hannibal repeatedly during the run of that show whenever the team executed their strategy flawlessly. Even in harsh times, there was always a plan B or C. Take the same approach for marketing. As I elaborated on in a previous post HERE social media marketing is an avenue for marketing. A channel to use for relationship selling. So with it, you need a plan. Here are some things to consider when developing a strategic social media marketing plan.

  • Business profile- List the type of business you are, the customers your attracting and what you offer
  • Campaign goals- what do you want social media marketing to accomplish? Improve traffic? Branding? Relationship building? Sales?
  • Finances- What is your budget going to look like? ROI? B/E analysis? Dont forget fixed and variable costs when coming up with finances
  • Marketing profile- What is your target market? List specifics like demographics and segmentation. List your competitors and why people should buy from you and not them.

How to track progress of your social media marketing plan:

Return on investment (ROI) is probably the most important measure of your success in social media marketing. Realistic terms need to be set when determining your ROI. Be aware that jumping into social media may not produce as quick results as you think. Plan accordingly for the long term and keep evaluating your strategy throughout the process to tweak and master your plan. Remember, the social media platform you choose has a better chance to produce results if your customers and target market already use that social media. Doesn’t make sense for a music band to only have a linkedin profile and try to attract fans there.


Randall Jefferson

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net



One response

12 12 2011
Putting together a Social Media Marketing Outline « Randall Jefferson

[…] now that we know what social media marketing is and we have a plan of action in implementing it, I want to show you an outline on what a good social media marketing […]

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